Heating & Air Conditioning

Swinson AC Full Logo


Swinson AC came to us needing help with a website, marketing, and planning an annual advertising budget.


Working together, we planned for a new website, social media marketing + management, graphic design services, and annual budget strategy. 


Within 6 months following website and social media launch, Swinson AC ranks 1st organically in a Google Local Search. Each month we see continued social engagement and growth. 

Increase sales through multi platform marketing

Swinson Air Conditioning Co.

Swinson Air Conditioning Co. serves the heating and air conditioning needs of Fairhope, Loxley, Foley, and surrounding areas in coastal Alabama. The owner, Pete Swinson, came to us in November of 2019 looking to revamp the online presence of his business and improve his marketing and advertising strategies. We developed a plan to build him a new, customer-focused site, update and create social profiles for the business, create a social media strategy, utilize available co-op funds from American Standard, and take control of all of his advertising dollars for the upcoming year. 

This project consisted of website design + development, social media marketing and management, graphic design services, direct mail services, local search engine optimization, advertising strategy, monthly analytic reporting, co-op filing and strategy, and marketing consultation. 

Website Design + Development

Swinson Air Conditioning Co. needed a new website and a new marketing strategy to help increase sales in 2020. The old company website, while functional, lacked engaging content and was not regularly updated. It also lacked social media integration and quick, customer-focused design elements like a chat feature, quick contact boxes, and informational resources.


From page 4+ to 1st page on Google in less than 6 months.

Swinson AC lawrence media group

Project Services:

We spent around four weeks designing and developing a new website for Swinson AC. It launched at the first of 2020, and we started tracking user behavior from day one. The new site features a home page slider highlighting common residential AC concerns, such as air quality/ purification, high-efficiency equipment options, and financing options. 

The new website highlights Swinson’s most sold products from American Standard and offers many pages describing all of the services offered by the company. For local search engine optimization, we built out 12 service area pages for all of the communities the business serves. Pages such as “Fairhope AC Repair”, show up on the first page of Google when a user searches with those keywords. In the last six months of site use, data from Google Analytics tells us these pages are crucial for obtaining new customers searching online for an air conditioning company. 

The website also features pages for Frequently Asked Questions, Special Promotions, Financing Options (with application), and a blog section that we add to each month as part of our monthly management service

In addition to expanding the site’s content, style, and user-friendliness, we also improved its appearance on all devices, paying special attention to the mobile experience. Customers can easy request service, chat, and view information about products and services from their phones and tablets. 

Direct Mail Services

Swinson AC has used twice-annual direct mail pieces to recruit and maintain annual maintenance plan agreements. The business relies on maintenance plan visits during the cooler months of the year when business is slower. It was imperative we grow the number of annual maintenance contracts to ensure higher sales in 2020. 

We designed a tri-fold annual maintenance brochure and mailed it out to roughly 2,000 people in the area, including all of his current maintenance customers. We also introduced a new tiered pricing structure for maintenance plans, adding three new options to the baseline maintenance agreement he had been offering in years past. 

Since its delivery in early Spring 2020, maintenance plan sales are up over last year, the majority of which have been sales of higher-priced packages from the tiered sales plan.

Swinson closed brochure
Social Media Management & Advertising

When we started working with Swinson AC, they only used Facebook occasionally. We updated the page with new artwork, services offered, and the story of the business. We also created a business Instagram account and integrated both social networks with the website. 

As part of our social media management plan for Swinson AC, we write, design, and schedule out 10-12 posts per month. We also write and post articles on the website. Posts range in topic from homeowner energy tips to financing options and product highlights. We also regularly post testimonials and thank you notes the business receives. 

Since we started regularly posting as the business on social media, we have seen a strong increase in followers as well as monthly post engagement. The excellent customer service the business offers in person can now be felt on each of their social media platforms.

Graphic Design Services

In addition to the tri-fold brochure mailer, we created branded leave-behind cards and review cards for the technicians to leave with customers. We also designed and ordered custom yard signs promoting the business. 

Swinson flyer
Swinson AC Review Cards
Advertising Budgets & Strategy

Like most business owners, Mr. Swinson had a basic annual advertising budget in place. We helped customize and itemize his annual advertising budget based on the business’s sales. We removed close to $1,200 in unnecessary expenses per month and ensured everything we created for Swinson AC was co-op reimbursement eligible from American Standard. 

Even with the cost of a new website and monthly social media management, Swinson AC ended up spending less annually on advertising and marketing than the previous year. Before working with us, it was unclear exactly what his return on advertising dollars was; now, the business receives monthly analytical reports showing website traffic, social engagement, and a report on all advertising spending.  

Key results:

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