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Holiday Marketing Tips - December Advertising 101

December Advertising 101

Holiday Marketing Tips

Did you know businesses make the most money during the holiday season? Around 800 billion dollars is spent this time of year! With that amount of money flying around in the business world, why would you not want to get your hands on some? However, the willingness to buy goes hand in hand with shoppers’ knowledge of products or services. If they don’t know about what you have to offer, how are they going to know to shop with you? 

You need an effective marketing campaign for the holiday season! Check out these holiday marketing tips for your November and December advertising. It’s never too early to start planning for next year, and if you haven’t come up with your December plan for this year, well, you might already be missing out on sales!

1. Get the Details On Your Target Audience

Did you know advanced technology allows you to get as specific as marketing in a certain neighborhood in your community? However, using this type of marketing effectively is all about knowing the details of your target audience. What are their interests? Do they prefer to get information from their computer, mobile device, or a video on YouTube? Have they used your products or services in the last year? Did they sign up for your email marketing campaigns? Did they enter your giveaway?

There is so much information you can gather on a specific audience to cater your holiday marketing campaigns and make them more effective. Defining your audience should be your first step, and your advertising should be catered to them.

2. Check Out Your Competitors

Whether you’re looking at what worked from last year, or what’s majorly catching on this year, checking out what your competitors are doing is never a bad idea. This can also be helpful in showing you what hasn’t worked well for other businesses similar to yours. Gather as much info as you can and create your messaging with effective marketing strategies, while also trying to give something extra over your competitors.

3. Set Goals and Objectives

This step might be obvious, but believe it or not, many times it is done incorrectly or skipped all together. First, do you know what goals and objectives are? If you’ve never really thought about it, your idea of them might be wrong. 

Goals are overarching outcomes that are broad and (usually) long-term. Objectives are specific steps or tasks that need to get done in a specific time frame to work toward achieving a goal. Here are some examples: 

Goal 1: Provide an incentive for holiday shopping.

Objective 1: Give a $10 giftcard to any shopper that spends $50 or more between December 1 and 23. 

Objective 2: Set holiday sale of 20% off goods and services between December 1 and 23. 

Objective 3: Offer a free gift with a purchase of a certain product or service.

Goal 2: Provide excellent customer service.

Objective 1: Reduce customer wait time to less than 2 minutes.

Objective 2: Have employees ask about customer experiences during every interaction daily.

Goal 3: Get more customer reviews.

Objective 1: Have every employee ask for at least 5 reviews daily.

Objective 2: Technicians leave customers with review cards when the job is finished.

Objective 3: Offer a discount for customers who leave a review of your business.

4. Personalize Your Website

Think of your website as your personal hub for news, services, and events your business is offering. If a customer visits your website to get more information on your holiday promotions and there’s no information there, they will likely be confused and end up not doing business with you. People like easy access to things they want, and your website is their one-stop-shop for doing business with you! 

Personalize your website by updating information on the homepage during the holiday season, and creating a button that leads to a page with more information on what your business has going on this time of year. Holiday promotion information should be at the top of your website’s homepage during December.

5. Utilize Social Media

When we say utilize social media during the holiday season, we mean it! With some companies posting, interacting, and sending promotional messaging daily, you have to keep up! While you don’t have to do all of those things, you should be posting way more often than usual during the holiday season. Even having a daily presence this time of year is not too much. 

Your social media should also include proof of what you’re doing for potential customers this holiday season. That means showing customer reviews, product ratings, awards received, and tips, inspiration, and ideas on using your products or services. Over almost 70% of consumers say these so called ‘trust signals’ increased their likelihood to purchase. 

Content Strategy

Need some content strategy ideas? Try to incorporate these ideas into your holiday marketing campaign:

    • Incorporate seasonal quotes into your feed to get increased attention and engagement.
    • Do a holiday themed (or related) giveaway. Ex. The 12 Days of…
    • Write holiday themed lifestyle blogs that you can relate back to your product/service.
    • Incorporate some relatable and personable content into your feed. Ex. On National Christmas Lights Day, share the lights around your office, your home, or your community.
    • Share gift ideas.
    • Even if a post cannot necessarily be holiday related, include some holiday theme in your graphics (reds and greens, snow, Santa, presents, or Christmas-y photos). 

6. Work With An Advertising Agency

Working with a small advertising agency can greatly enhance your business’s success during the holiday season. Agencies like Lawrence Media Group will work with you on every aspect of your advertising needs, such as website integrations, social media campaigns, television commercials, radio talk shows, OTT ads, email marketing, and graphic design for signs, banners, mailers, and more. 

Chances are, as a small business owner, you likely just don’t have the time and energy to focus on your holiday campaigns, even though this is the most important time of the year for business profits! Contact Lawrence Media Group! We’re a small business ourself, and we work with dozens of companies to enhance their advertising presence throughout the entire year, especially the holiday season!

To learn more about who we are and what we do, visit our website at or contact us today! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more helpful tips on advertising your business! holiday marketing tips holiday marketing tips holiday marketing tips holiday marketing tips 

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